Auto Insurance

local car insurance agency in michigan

Local Auto Insurance Agency in Michigan

Auto insurance in Michigan has changed significantly. While every big-name carrier is advertising the lowest insurance rates, they don't know you or your needs.

Our approach is different. We consider your vehicles, driving records, personal financial situation, and many other factors to tailor an auto insurance policy to meet your needs.

Whether you're looking to insure the family car or a motorcycle, RV, watercraft, ATV, or snowmobile, you'll be able to enjoy the ride confidently, knowing that you're covered.

Interested in switching auto insurance? Contact our local auto insurance agency in Michigan now.

How Auto Insurance Has Changed in Michigan

You might’ve heard that auto insurance has changed in the State of Michigan. That’s because as of July 1, 2020, the no-fault insurance law has changed with the State of Michigan Public Acts 21 and 22 of 2019

This law brought major changes to the unlimited Personal Injury Protection (PIP) medical benefits for the lifetime of a person injured in a car accident.

Additionally, this law reforms the previous no-fault insurance requirements to provide more insurance coverage options, lower rates, and strengthen consumer protections. This applies to auto insurance policies issued or renewed after July 1, 2020. 

Interested in switching auto insurance? Contact our local auto insurance agency in Michigan now.

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

There are many variables that can impact your insurance rates, from broad collision, liability limits, personal injury protection limits, and more. 

That is why there are multiple coverage options you can choose from to prepare you for various factors, such as:

local car insurance agency coverage

Comprehensive Coverage

This type of coverage pays for damage to your vehicle from theft, vandalism, as well as fire and hail. There can be a deductible, which is the amount you’ll pay out of pocket before your insurer pays for the remainder of your covered claim costs.


Collision Coverage

Collision coverage pays for damage to your vehicle from collisions with other vehicles, rocks, trees, etc.

This coverage has a deductible. If choosing Broad Form collision coverage, your deductible will not apply in a not-at-fault collision. 


Liability Coverage

Liability coverage covers your legal liability to others from property damage or bodily injury in the case of a loss. 

This type of coverage has the following two (2) components:

  • Bodily Injury Liability - This can help pay for costs related to another person’s injuries if you cause an accident.
  • Property Damage Liability - This can pay for damage caused to another person’s property while driving.
recreational vehicle insurance

Personal Injury Protection (PIP)

This is your medical protection in an auto-related accident, which may help pay for your medical expenses after an accident.

local car insurance agency coverage

Roadside Assistance

This optional coverage can help reimburse costs from having car trouble such as lock outs, mechanical issues and out-of-gas situations.


Custom Equipment Coverage

This coverage option protects the cost of replacing stolen or damaged aftermarket parts, equipment, and personal electronics.


Lease/Loan Gap Coverage

This coverage option helps pay off your auto loan or lease if your car is involved in a total loss and you owe more than the car’s depreciated value. However, this is only available if you’re the original loan or leaseholder on a new vehicle.

local car insurance agency coverage

Rental Reimbursement Coverage

This coverage covers the cost of car rental or other transportation expenses while your vehicle is in for repair due to a comprehensive or collision loss.

Did you know that you can bundle your homeowner’s and auto insurance? We can work with you to bundle these insurance policies for the best price. 

Mini-Tort: The Exception to No-Fault Insurance

There is one exception to Michigan’s no-fault law, called mini-tort. Mini-tort is a provision inside Michigan’s no-fault insurance law that allows not-at-fault policyholders to collect non-reimbursable expenses from at-fault policyholders.

If you’re 50% or more at fault in an accident, and damages to the other driver’s vehicle aren’t completely covered by their insurance, you may be sued and required to pay up to $3,000 in damages. 

This also means that you may sue the other driver for damages to your car, which are not covered by your insurance, if the other driver is 50% or more at fault. 

Interested in switching auto insurance? Contact our local auto insurance agency in Michigan now.

We're a Local Auto Insurance Agency in Michigan Here To Help

With these new changes to auto insurance and the variety of coverage options to choose from, our team is here to ask the right questions and make sure that you understand the different coverage options available. 

Contact us today to learn about the car insurance options that fit best for you.

BBB Insurance Network Agency Accreditation


Our agents are ready to ask the right questions to help you get the best coverage at the best price. Request a proposal now.

Insurance Network Agency

Battle Creek, Michigan
732 Capital Avenue, SW
Battle Creek, MI 49015
(269) 968-0577

Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5 pm
(closed 1 - 2 PM for lunch)
Saturday - Sunday: CLOSED

Smith Pulling Insurance Agency

Albion, Michigan
800 South Superior Street
Albion, MI 49224
(517) 629-5555

Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 5 pm

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