If you run a business driven by sunny summer days and a steady flow of out-of-town visitors, you’ve become accustomed to the annual off-season slowdown. Navigating the highs and lows of a seasonal business can be tricky, but the most successful companies know that making the most of the fall and winter months is key.
Here are 6 tips to keeping your customer relationships going in your off-season, even though they don’t need your service.
Don’t forget about your customers
Keep in touch with your customers with emails, postcards, promotions, and social media posts. Send out surveys. Ask them what they want, what they need and how you can help them. These can be great ways of educating you about your services to show you are the expert in your industry.
Take stock of your season to see your win
It may be hard to think of “no income” as a perk, but having time to think is a luxury for any business owner. Take time to assess your past season performance and figure out how to repeat what you did right and correct what you did wrong.
Dip your toes into new revenue streams.
Think about what worked and how you can make those things keep working all year long. Creating membership services, discounted preorders for the busy season or possibly renting your space out for an event. And never underestimate the power of a great partnership!
Plan your roster for next year
Save yourself undue stress by getting a jump on the process. Lock in employees who plan on returning and start recruiting your next customer service superheroes.
Review your digital presence
Can your customers find you and what they need? If they can’t.. they will find your competitor. If you have a website, the off-season is a great time to refresh some of the content and design. If you don’t have a website or social media, the off-season is the perfect time to work on your digital presence.
Reviewing your business insurance coverage needs during your off season is a great time to double check if you’re set for the up coming year. Contact us today